Deann Miles
In the United States, you can get the keys to the car at 16 years old and freedom is yours! Suddenly you can travel effortlessly to work, activities and other social events. Unfortunately, at some point during your driving life you will likely experience a slight fender bender. After the shock and adrenaline wear off, you are left with the issues of trading insurance paperwork, paying the deductible and paying the shop repair. For some, an auto accident is much more severe with injuries and major property loss. In this case, it is best to consult a professional auto accident attorney.
The Facts
Each year in the United States, millions of people experience light to moderate injuries from auto accidents. These medical costs average an initial cost of $3300 for emergency room cost and $57000 to the individual for the cost of long-term medical care. While an initial insurance payout may cover the costs of the emergency room visit, negotiating the complex insurance system after this is best left to an accident attorney.
What the Attorney Will do for You
Hiring an attorney for an automobile accident might be the last thing on your mind following an accident that lands you in the hospital. However, hiring an attorney takes the guess work and research out of your claim.
First, they collect evidence. The police likely took photos of the crash and you may have taken a picture on your phone in a dazed state. The attorney will compile this photographic evidence with police forensics to generate a comprehensive report that best serves your interest.
A professional automobile accident attorney understands how insurance companies operate and can navigate the complex systems they have in place. This includes the submission of various forms and documents on your behalf.
Perhaps the biggest reason for hiring an automobile accident attorney is negotiation. The attorney will negotiate with insurance companies, as well as lien holders on vehicles to get you the best settlement. One aspect of automobile accidents most people do not consider is the possibly of the other party hiring his own lawyer. This places additional stress on you during an extremely vulnerable time in your life. Hiring a automobile accident attorney frees you from the stress of directly handling legal matters.
In the end, hiring an automobile accident attorney prevents you from questioning if your property and quality of life could have been better served. Hiring an attorney takes the guess work out of accidents.
If you are unable to work because of an illness or injury, you may qualify for social security disability payments. This money comes from a fund you have probably contributed to during your time in the work force, and it is likely that you have the right to disability payments using this money. As an attorney specializing in social security disability, I have a great deal of experience in helping clients determine if they qualify for disability payments. I hope that this blog will help people who have been injured understand what it means to qualify for social security disability benefits and how to go about getting that help.